Wednesday 13 February 2013

Opening Credits/Exploring Fonts

For the opening credits I have been researching a number of different fonts and have come to a conclusion of either: Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Batangche, SimSun, Amienne and GungSuh. When looking for fonts I went for the ones which would be simple and clear to read but also very girly since I am doing a Rom/Com. I have done  rough version of what my opening credits could look like below by experimenting with a variation of font, For the names I used a mixture of famous companies/People and unknown/made-up. I think it would look really good if the opening credits of my film were to fade in and out of the opening scene and blend in or maybe for example the main character could put down an object and the titles could be there. An example of a film which has opening titles that does this is Legally Blonde

Title: JESS ( Franklin Gothic Demi Cond)
Jess: Connie Martin ( Franklin Gothic Demi Cond)

Director: Richard Curtis (BatangChe)
Producer: Adam Brooks (BatangChe)

Publisher: Sarah Benn Gordon (SimSun)
Screen Writers: Albeni urul, Ella kenny and Emily Elbousserghini (SimSun)

Distributer: 20th century Fox (Amienne)

Musical Director: Hugo Adams (Gungsuh)
Casting Director: Albeni urul (Gungsuh)

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