Tuesday 5 February 2013

Horror Film Openings


The woman in blacks opening is the typical opening to a horror film. there is not speaking but all you can hear is creepy music. A soon as the music gets louder the children somehow get hypnotised by it and go over and jumpout the window, If you look closly at the very end of the trailer you can see an over the shoulder shot of 'the woman in black' which then makes you start asking questions about why she was there and what she did. The ideas this gave me for my own opening scene was the way the characters syncked with the music and the way it had a huge impact on the scene.


Dawn of the dead has got a very interesting opening for a horror film because the backround music is very happy but then mixed in with the opening credits you see snippets of news stories reporting on whats going on and people getting struck by the disease. This opening does not give away much to what the film is going to be about which i like because it makes you want to carry on watching the film due to the mixture of music, clips and the intresting way in which the opening credits are placed on the screen.


The opening credits to Halloween are very old but even though the only thing that ishappening on the screen is the pumpkin changing shape and getting bigger the music makes you feel as if something scaryer is going to happen because it keeps changing speed and volume. i like the way this is done and i think in my film it would be could to build as much suspence as possible by adjusting the musics volume. At the end of the clip the music cuts to a group of children chanting about halloween but the screen is still black, This is very mysterious and scary because you can not see there faces but also the fact that it is halloween.

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