Wednesday 13 February 2013

Target Audience

This is a moodboard researching my target audience and the kind of people that will be watching my film. I think that my target audience will be the age group 16-25. It will be mainly females who shop in high street shops like Topshop, H&M and Zara. She will also read magazines like heat and vogue, drink starbucks and eat sushi.

Changing our idea and analysing Rom /Com openings

After looking at our horrer film idea again me and my group decided that it would not work because of a number of reasons: the location we wanted to film in would not be possible, alot of people are doing horror films and also it is very popular for people to do a chase themed film. We brainstormed a few other genres and ideas and finally concluded to choosing a romantic comedy because it will be funny and relatable for us to film. We have been analysing various openings of Rom/Com's.

Bridget Jones is a classic Rom/Com About a women and her cringey love life, this film has given us alot of ideas for our own film. We would also like to create a film about a ditsy woman who is terrible with keeping a relationship but eventually falls in love. Another thing we would like to incorporate from the opening of Bridget Jones is playing the scene and having the opening credits fading in and out.

Another opening of a Rom/Com which I liked was 10 things i hate about you which is an unexpected love story set in an American high school. The opening credits are very simple with a panning shot on the school and the writing scribbled over the top in different colours. the music for this film is very good because it is all from the correct time period and genre.

Opening Credits/Exploring Fonts

For the opening credits I have been researching a number of different fonts and have come to a conclusion of either: Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Batangche, SimSun, Amienne and GungSuh. When looking for fonts I went for the ones which would be simple and clear to read but also very girly since I am doing a Rom/Com. I have done  rough version of what my opening credits could look like below by experimenting with a variation of font, For the names I used a mixture of famous companies/People and unknown/made-up. I think it would look really good if the opening credits of my film were to fade in and out of the opening scene and blend in or maybe for example the main character could put down an object and the titles could be there. An example of a film which has opening titles that does this is Legally Blonde

Title: JESS ( Franklin Gothic Demi Cond)
Jess: Connie Martin ( Franklin Gothic Demi Cond)

Director: Richard Curtis (BatangChe)
Producer: Adam Brooks (BatangChe)

Publisher: Sarah Benn Gordon (SimSun)
Screen Writers: Albeni urul, Ella kenny and Emily Elbousserghini (SimSun)

Distributer: 20th century Fox (Amienne)

Musical Director: Hugo Adams (Gungsuh)
Casting Director: Albeni urul (Gungsuh)

Monday 11 February 2013

New Treatment

  • Jess is a typical girly girl, she is very ditsy and image contious
  • She is tall, Pretty and brunette
  • Wakes up at the begining of the scene and kicks a random boy out of her bed
  • Pushes all of her pets off the piles of clothes on her bedroom floor
  • makes breakfast dropping stuff everywhere etc
  • Leaves for work
  • Runs over a good looking man on the way
  • Visits him in hospital and waits till he comes round
  • At first he wont speak to her and plays very hard to get
  • these 2 characters keep bumping into each other in random places
  • Eventually they fall in Love

Reflections and meeting deadlines

I am up to date so far with all of my work except for the fact that my preliminary task will not load onto youtube which means that me and my group may have to edit and film it again. I also need to change the treatment and the research for the film opening because my group have decided to change genre from a horror film based inside a school to a Rom/Com starting off with a girl waking up and her daily routine. I have compleated my powerpoint on an opening sequence and I choose Juno because the opening is done in a very interesting way.

Wednesday 6 February 2013


  • Anna is a 16 year old  girl who works very hard at school and is doing her A levels
  • She has Alot of friends and a happy family life
  • Themes of the film are: Horror, Drama, Friendship and love
  • Anna is alone and gets chased through school by unknown masked character
  • Meets boy called James who is very quiet, clever, short, skinny and also new to the town. On the way home and she explains her scary experience to him which he is weirdly interested in
  • They see a news article about a masked serial killer in another town
  • Go back to school to investigate but can not find him anywhere.
  • Anna find a scary mask in James' bag
  • Anna dies a mysterious death
  • this film should be made because it is a new approach to horror and a film of this genre has never been done before

Tuesday 5 February 2013


After watching some Horror film opening i have got a few more ideas of what i would like to include in my film opening. Firstly i think it is very important to focus on the music because having good music that creates suspence will make the opening alot more tense and much more jumpy. Another thing that i would like to include is a 999 call which the main character will awnser and maybe she could be explaining what has happened as a voice over her actions. finally i would like to make the opening credits come up in an interesting way for example as she's running down the corridor they could come past as posters on the walls or on the lockers.

the film psycho has got very interesting opening credits because they are very illusional.

Horror Film Openings

The woman in blacks opening is the typical opening to a horror film. there is not speaking but all you can hear is creepy music. A soon as the music gets louder the children somehow get hypnotised by it and go over and jumpout the window, If you look closly at the very end of the trailer you can see an over the shoulder shot of 'the woman in black' which then makes you start asking questions about why she was there and what she did. The ideas this gave me for my own opening scene was the way the characters syncked with the music and the way it had a huge impact on the scene.

Dawn of the dead has got a very interesting opening for a horror film because the backround music is very happy but then mixed in with the opening credits you see snippets of news stories reporting on whats going on and people getting struck by the disease. This opening does not give away much to what the film is going to be about which i like because it makes you want to carry on watching the film due to the mixture of music, clips and the intresting way in which the opening credits are placed on the screen.

The opening credits to Halloween are very old but even though the only thing that ishappening on the screen is the pumpkin changing shape and getting bigger the music makes you feel as if something scaryer is going to happen because it keeps changing speed and volume. i like the way this is done and i think in my film it would be could to build as much suspence as possible by adjusting the musics volume. At the end of the clip the music cuts to a group of children chanting about halloween but the screen is still black, This is very mysterious and scary because you can not see there faces but also the fact that it is halloween.

Ideas For Opening Sequence


There are three of us in my group: Albeni, Ella and Emily and we have been brainstorming ideas and decided to go for a horror film. In our opening we are going to have a girl staying behind after school to pick up her art books, She then does not realise that there is a creepy man following her down the corridor you will not be able to see the man it is just going to be portrayed that there is someone there through camera angels and it will almost look like a ghost or an illusion. The girl will then walk through the school with her pase getting faster as she feels someone following her but because it is the opening sequence you will not know if she is let out safely or not. Our aim for the opening is to leave the viewer asking questions: who is following her? is it her friend? is it her teacher etc.

Names: We have been throwing ideas around about what to call our opening these are:

  • The chase

  • The Mask

  • Masquerade

  • Fascade

  • Concealment

Juno opening Sequence Powerpoint